Glass Appraisals
Wine production
Here you will find all the information you need to understand wine production. Even though the transformation of grapes into wine is a natural and spontaneous process, it is not the only factor that determines a wine’s quality. And a red wine is not made the same way as a white. In addition, rosés are not a mix of white and red wine—much effort goes into determining their color!

Two Bottles of Wine and Free Corkscrew Set Half-Off

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Australian Wines

The Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation, a statutory authority of the Australian Government, plays a central role in supporting the nation's $5.5 billion wine sector.

Australia makes some of the world’s best wine, and sells it to more than 100 countries. It is the fourth largest exporter of wine, and a respected leader in combining tradition with new ideas and technology.

The Corporation’s specific services for the wine sector include strategic marketing, information and analysis, export and labelling regulation, advice on trade and market access issues, and the identification and protection of the nation's distinctive wine regions.

The Corporation has its head office in Adelaide and a network of Wine Australia offices in the UK and Ireland, the United States, Canada, continental Europe and Japan.

This website provides general information about the Corporation and the wine sector, as well as specific information for those who work in it. You can also find out about the diversity of varieties, styles and regions that make Australian wine so appealing and constantly surprising.

From the Chief Executive

The Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation spent much of 2006 listening and consulting with those who have an interest in the future of our industry, and we are delivering the fruits of our labours during 2007. I have been delighted not only by what has been achieved, but also by the degree of fresh thinking that has emerged during our discussions around the country.

The big ticket item, of course, is the Wine Australia: Directions to 2025 industry strategy that was released on May 2. The Directions package includes comprehensive strategies and an online Information Resource Kit. A review of the National Organisational Structures of the Australian wine industry was recommended. If you are interested to know more about this important initiative, please click to view the Statement of Intent which was released on June 28 2007.

An important component of the Directions process was an advanced program of overseas intelligence gathering and analysis put in place with funding assistance from the Grape and Wine Research and Development Corporation and the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.

This intelligence will guide our marketing initiatives by identifying and quantifying market opportunities in key markets for Australian wine and it assist in mapping the identified market opportunities to a required supply base.

Later in the year a revamped WINEFACTS database will be available through our website. Better information for effective decision-making was a strong theme to emerge from the National Wine Grape Summit last June, and the Corporation has carried out significant market research to improve its service provision.

Based on the findings – basically positive but with some comments made about accessibility and functionality – we are making significant changes to create a more comprehensive and user friendly system. The new-look WINEFACTS will also fully incorporate the new Export Market Guide that was released recently by the Corporation in PDF format.

Another important project for 2007 is the continuing roll out of the new Wine Australia Market Programs and the development of four sub brands, namely Brand Champions, Generation Next, Regional Heroes and Landmark Australia. This marks a subtle but significant move that still recognises the unifying purpose of Wine Australia as an overall category statement, but at the same time moves us beyond a single, “one-size-fits-all” generic platform. The intention is to bring greater clarity and purpose to our marketing efforts, for the benefit of both our supporting members and our intended audience.

Finally, I am delighted to report that – in keeping with the fresh thinking theme – we have resolved to invite at least one member of the current Future Leaders Program to join each of the Corporation’s advisory committees next year.

I have been delighted with the success of the program, which we are proud to co-sponsor, and with the progress of all 15 participants. They have learned a lot, but they have also brought a lot to the table – adding new ideas or simply new perspectives on prevailing issues. We need to harness that.

Sam TolleyChief Executive

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